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matthew: Have you had a look uruguayanspanish on YouTube? I'd say more than half the videos on there are copyrighted. Eit... »» Tom: * Electro Shock Therapy... »» Tom: Two things strike me about this: 1. How come someone with your spelling record can use a word... »» Adrian: It's probably more of an exponential curve come to think of uruguayanspanish it, uruguayanspanish but the linear curve is perhaps... »» Adrian: I'm not sure it's legal for me to post copyrighted content at all, let alone on YourTube/Google... »» Moblog 19 March 4 PM Comments (6) You know you are a single bloke when ... Site Log Round and oval balls. Photo Upload 3 January 2006 Sending Bindy Off Photo Upload 2 January 2006 Chief Seattle Photo Upload 1 January 2006 Train me up Photo Upload 29 December 2005 Jamming New York Summer Style Photo Upload 28 December 2005 Red shows site changes since your last visit BlogZone Other blogs and pages I read Add me to your blogroll Read a random blog Wishlist I don't actually like wishlists, but I needed a place to mark things I wanted to buy.