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Fishes is slang for a woman’s vagina, musicians while loaves was slang for a woman’s butt. So, by saying musicians fishes and loaves, I was referring to the interesting parts of a woman. The story about providing the fishes and the loaves was really about the time I hooked the apost’s up with my stable of bitches. They were like, “Yo J-man…you really hooked us up with some fishes musicians and loaves”. PissedPlumber Apr 26, 2004 8:51 pm THATS ON ACCOUNT OF YOUR UPBRINGING-YOU LOUSEY FUCKING BASTARD–IM PROUD CAUSE I HAVE A VD AND I AM HATEFULL TO BE ABLE TO EARN A SHIT LIVING IN THE WORST DAMM COUNTRY IN THE WORLD,SO WHY DONT YOU KEEP POSTING AS SOME ONE YOU DONT EVEN KNOW—AND FUCK MY FAT WIFE—OFFICE ASS CLOWN, I LOVE MICHAEL BOLTON! the_PLUMBER Registered Apr 26, 2004 8:53 pm YOU WILL FIND A NEED FOR A DENTIST-JESUS- YOU’LL BE PICKIN YOUR TEETH UP OFF THE GROUND.