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which made me laugh out loud. Submitted by Insanethemind (user info) at 2004-01-27 14:02:22 (#) Ranking: 0 interesting idea shandy. That's pretty much what I meant. I chose the subtler route. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shandy, I've just now realized what you mrant, a earn commission mere 6 months later. earn commission I thought that YOU had written the line you quoted above and not I. How silly of me! Yes earn commission I agree, upon re reading this yet again, I discovered that the ending would be much better if ended in a more comical manner, even in the same vein as that one line. Great idea. Submitted by Ed_0150 (user info) at 2004-07-21 00:41:46 (#) Ranking: 2 No Comment Submitted by Insanethemind (user info) at 2004-05-06 14:26:41 (#) Ranking: 0 Thanks W!