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now go fuck yourself 'insanethemind' is a song lyric, and trust me i am not an angst ridden teen. your review is so chock full of internet popularized catchphrases anyway. sheep record reviews Submitted by neoncoathanger <> at 2004-04-19 19:22:10 (#) Ranking: -2 Okay, I must say I agree with c-rock on this one. Insane, reading your story is like being trapped in a seventh-grade poetry club. You're trying so hard to be dark and disturbing that you wind up sounding like a twelve year old drama queen. record reviews Hell, even the record reviews name you chose for yourself reeks of pre-teen female. Can the shock factor, quit trying to depress everybody and passing it off as talent, and write something with a little more motivation. Think it out a little more, will you? Trying to cram eight thousand plot twists into so short a story is moronic.