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what's new? not seen you much on uber of late. Submitted by Insanethemind (user info) at 2004-03-04 12:02:47 (#) Ranking: 0 where in this story does it say that the "father brutally murdered his mom" c-rock? dying fetus kill your mother / rape your dog song lyrics Have you heard of this little word "figurative?" Man, I'm done dying fetus kill your mother / rape your dog song lyrics talking with you. I get it, the story sucks ok, fine, its a piece of shit. Why are you continually insulting me, or this little shit story? Find something more productive to do. Submitted by C-Rock (user info) at 2004-03-04 01:35:34 (#) Ranking: dying fetus kill your mother / rape your dog song lyrics -2 Yeah but that ending didn't even make it worth the reading. Next time instead of spending 15 minutes why not try an hour or so, maybe you'd make something that's so-so, instead of shit no!