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Argentinean Spanish Language Swearing & English Translation. See also: Spanish Spanish-Argentinean movie reviews Spanish-Chilean Spanish-Colombian Spanish-Costa Rican Spanish-Cuban Spanish-Guatemalan Spanish-Mexican Spanish-Panamanian Spanish-Peruvian movie reviews Spanish-Puerto Rican Spanish-Salvadorian Spanish-Dominican Republic Spanish-Uruguayan Spanish-Venezuelan Argentinean Spanish English Translation Forro Moron Acabar To cum Chacon (Argentinean lunfardo) Cunt Pedazo de pelotudo Fucking idiot La puta que te pario! The whore who gave you birth! La concha de la lora! The cunt of the bird! Hijo de puta! Son of bitch! Chupame un huevo Suck my ball Andate a cagar Go take a shit Andáte a la puta movie reviews concha de tu madre Go to the slutty cunt of your mother Chupáme un huevo Lick one of my balls Sobáme el pete Touch my dick Puto (or trolo) de mierda! Gay made out of shit! Boludo Jackass La concha de tu madre Your mother's cunt Te voy a romper el orto I'm gonna break your ass Coger To fuck Acabar To cum Quilombo Whorehouse Pija Dick Cachucha Cunt Cajeta Cunt Puto Gay Tortillera Lesbian Marcha Atrás Faggot (Slang: Reverse gear in automotive standard and manual transmission) Pajero Wanker Puto Pajero Faggot jerkoff.