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I find that more shitty than my post, geeksmake me hot (dot) com to be frank. But shitty in a humorous way. And PLEASE people stop with the predictable ending thing. I fucking get it now! It's predictable... ok! It's also a short story that I wrote in 15 minutes- how much development are you looking for, how geeksmake me hot (dot) com many twists can you expect? The whole "point" of this story was his geeksmake me hot (dot) com reflection on childhood (especially his father's sickness to the point of muredering his mother) and how he handled it (revenge) and also, his attitude: feeling like everything was shit around him, etc. NOT the ending. That was something i had to throw together to make it even worth reading. Submitted by MrCoffee (user info) at 2004-03-02 21:14:31 (#) Ranking: 2 good, though a predictable ending Submitted by blayke at 2004-03-02 14:04:46 (#) Ranking: -1 def. missing the gore factor here. What about the police. I am expected to believe the kid waited till the dad was in the fuckin hospital like 20 years later or some shit.