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There, you got the truth out of me! Satisfied? You should be! Blood Hound parody Gang-Lift your head up high and blow your brains out. Submitted by Anansie (user info) at 2004-03-01 01:19:10 (#) Ranking: 2 Holy crap! Why didn't I read this before? Submitted by Insanethemind (user info) at 2004-02-29 07:43:22 (#) Ranking: 0 C-rock, You saw it parody coming a mile parody away, eh? How intuitive of you! I see you registered that uber name simply to blast my little story... how sad! Only one review to your name, and it was only on this post. Who are you really? Submitted by Tasial (user info) at 2004-02-22 22:16:11 (#) Ranking: 2 FUCKING AWSOME! esp. when your stoned. ;) Submitted by pinksgood (user info) at 2004-02-18 17:25:13 (#) Ranking: -2 stupid dipshit! Submitted by fingerbang (user info) at 2004-02-13 21:50:28 (#) Ranking: 0 you stole my virginity now i will steal yours.