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The Oxford Student - Official Student Newspaper 22. Mar. 2006 Oxford Student > MT2001 Week 5 > Columns > Go Ask Your sincity Mother... Go Ask Your Mother... By Unknown Author Word to your mother, Fuck me Uncle Nobby, nuff stuff sincity bin gwaaaaanon. Oxford is cheap and nasty and badaaarssss! Safe to say I has spent all me potatoes on some batty ganja. Nuff ladies about too - many of whom are well fit! Chickun not want to spend long here, though as all the tuff garage is limited to my CD's and the places where people park their cars! Got nuff pissed and went into a lecture yesterday billy spanked till I sobered up. Met a fit American Bird there and was nuff impressed by her finety! Sadly it doesn't look like it will happen between us, as she pulled some bloke at a cheesy bollocks nightclub. However as with all foreign birds, I bet she is billy hairy all over her chest innit!