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was alittle confused for a moment, but recovered quickly. Submitted by Loren1 keith truesdell (user info) at 2003-09-25 15:58:55 (#) Ranking: 2 Your style reminds me a little bit of an older Steven king short story. I think it was called "The man who had flowers" or "The man with flowers." Only, you didn't get quite as graphic. :-) Submitted by FATMANTPK (user info) at 2003-09-25 15:50:29 (#) Ranking: 2 Great writing. keith truesdell Sad, but entertaining. Submitted by Murphy1844 (user info) at 2003-09-25 15:29:15 (#) Ranking: 2 5 min. in. Delightful smile back. Good story. Submitted by skelts39 keith truesdell (user info) at 2003-09-25 15:08:15 (#) Ranking: 2 sweet Submitted by Phinch (user info) at 2003-09-25 15:08:13 (#) Ranking: 2 it got a little confusing in the middle, but it had a very strong ending. Submitted by loki (user info) at 2003-09-25 15:03:39 (#) Ranking: 2 wow Submitted by MAB (user info) at 2003-09-25 14:57:46 (#) Ranking: 2 Um, very creative.