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Krazee-Eyez Killa: So you think you gonna cross me and mess with my shit? Opening your fucking trap and flapping your lip. Don't fuck with me nigga or you gonna get dropped. I'll snap off your neck with a crackle and pop. If you say anything, you'll beg me to die, 'cause I'll make you suck goldielookin chain my dick then I'll nut in your goldielookin chain eye. I'll stomp on your world as if my name was Godzilla. I'm coming for you mother fucker, I'm your Krazee-Eyez Killa. Larry David: What are you doing there? Man: goldielookin chain A little plumbing. Larry David: A little plumbing! Got to plumb! Plumb the depths! The depths of hell! Larry David: Have you ever played telephone before? You don't even know how to play telephone, do you? Cheryl: I *do* know how to play telephone. Larry David: Oh, do you? Cheryl: Yeah, but I usually play the "G" version.